For me, psychotherapy is a life passion and one of the most valuable achievements of our civilization. My commitment to this calling is, in large part, a result of valuable personal therapeutic experiences.
I like to point out that my job, along with the titles, knowledge and skills that go with it, did not “spare” me the homework I had to do in my inner world. Awakening of curiosity and compassion for myself and others, honesty and acceptance of my own humanity have always and only liberated me. These are some of the values that guide me in my work. The journey to a better insight into myself has shown me that stepping into the field of therapeutic change is bold, meaningful and enriching.
My childhood home was filled with books and encyclopedias, vinyl records and cassettes. They were, for sure, my first shelter. Through them, I spontaneously became playful in my approach to reality. I explored something many children know well: that it is possible to imagine what we do not have in our immediate vicinity.
Years later, I will become intrigued by the same insight. I will ask myself: are the options I see before myself a reflection of life as such or my ability to devise my own life options. My lens changed as I started to see that we construct our world instead of seeing it objectively. I learned to look at my life and its chapters from various angles. I engaged in experimenting with the roles I assign to myself in the story I live. Finally, I became aware to what extent the story I tell about myself shapes my present and my relationships.
In my adulthood, I had the opportunity to travel a lot and experience the expat life. I embrace the challenges of transitions because they often allow different parts of me to manifest, and some new to be discovered. Over the years, I have fallen in love with the feeling of turning into “local” and having a corner of my own in more than one place around the globe. Today, I successfully combine my love of travel with dedication to my clients from all around the globe in an online setting.